Kern, M., Rattan A, & Chugh D. (2023). Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
Articles and Chapters
“Fixed” Pie Perception and Strategy in Dyadic Versus Multiparty Negotiations→
/Kern, M.C., Brett, J.M., Weingart, L.R., & Eck, C.S. (in press). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Read MoreMulticultural Experience: Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Scale→
/Aytug, Z., Kern, M., & Dilchert, S. (2018). International Journal of Multicultural Relations, 65, 1-16.
Read MoreHidden Influences in International Negotiations: The Interactive Role of Insecure Cultural Attachment, Risk Perception, and Risk Regulation for Sellers vs. Buyers→
/Rua, T., Aytug, Z., Kern, M., Lee, S., & Adair, W. (2018). Thunderbird International Business Review, 61, 339-352.
Read MoreThe Illusion of Transparency in Performance Appraisals: When and Why Accuracy Motivation Explains Unintentional Feedback Inflation→
/Schaerer, M., Kern, M., Berger, G., Medvec, V., & Swaab, R. I. (2018). Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 144, 171-186.
Read MoreIs There Social Consensus Regarding Researcher Conflicts of Interest?→
/Aytug, Z., Rothstein, H. H., Kern, M., & Zhu, Z. (2017). Ethics & Behavior, 40.
Read MoreA Dynamic and Cyclical Model of Bounded Ethicality→
/Chugh, D., & Kern, M. (2016). Research in Organizational Behavior, 36, 85-100.
Read MoreEthical Learning: Releasing the Moral Unicorn→
/Chugh, D., & Kern, M. (2016). In D. A. Palmer, R. Greenwood, & K. Smith-Crowe (Eds.), Organizational wrongdoing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
* Recipient of the 2014 Abraham J. Briloff Prize in Ethics, Baruch College
Withstanding Moral Disengagement: Attachment Security as an Ethical Intervention→
/Chugh, D., Kern, M., Zhu, Z., & Lee, S. (2014). Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, 51, 88-93.
Read MoreBridging Social Distance in Inter-Cultural Negotiations: “You” and the Bi-Cultural Negotiator→
/Kern, M., Lee, S., Aytug, Z., & Brett, J. (2012). International Journal of Conflict Management, 23(2), 173-191.
* Recipient of the 2013 Award for Excellence, Emerald Literati Network
Revealed or Concealed? Transparency of Procedures, Decisions, and Judgment Calls in Meta-Analyses→
/Aytug, Z., Rothstein, H. H., Zhou, W., & Kern, M. (2012). Organizational Research Methods, 15(1), 103-133.
Read MoreViewing Time Through the Lens of the Self: The Fit Effect of Self-Construal and Temporal Distance on Task Perception→
/Lee, A., Lee, S., & Kern, M. (2011). European Journal of Social Psychology, 41(2), 191-200.
Read MoreBounded Ethicality: The Perils of Loss Framing→
/Kern, M., & Chugh, D. (2009). Psychological Science, 20(3), 378-384.
Read MoreWho Says What to Whom? The Impact of Communication on Social Exclusion→
/Swaab, R., Kern, M., Diermeier, D., & Medvec, V. (2009). Social Cognition, 27(3), 385-401.
Read MoreThe Micro-Dynamics of Coalition Formation→
/Diermeier, D., Swaab, R., Kern, M., & Medvec, V. (2008). Political Research Quarterly, 61(3).
Read MoreDuo Status: Disentangling the Complex Interactions Within a Minority of Two→
/Loyd, D. L., White, J., & Kern, M. (2008). In E. Mannix & M. Neale (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams (11th ed., pp. 75-92).
Read MoreNegotiating Your Future→
/Kern, M. (May 2007). The Graduate Voice.
Read MoreManaging Multicultural Teams→
/Brett, J. M., Behfar, K., & Kern, M. (2006). Harvard Business Review, 84-91.
Reprinted in:
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Publishing (2016)
Harvard Business Review OnPoint. Strategies for global success (2016).
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Teams. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Publishing (2013)
In Stahl, G.K., Mendenhall, M.E., & Oddou, G.R. (Ed.), Readings and cases in international human resource management and organizational behavior (pp. 289-298). New York, NY: Routledge (2012)
HBR's Building Better Teams. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Publishing (2011)
Harvard Business Review OnPoint. Leading high impact teams (2008).
Managing Challenges in Multicultural Teams→
/Behfar, K., Kern, M., & Brett, J. (2006). In E. Mannix & M. Neale (Eds.), Research on Managing Groups and Teams (9th ed., pp. 233-262).
Read MoreClassroom Research: Bridging the Ivory Divide→
/Loyd, D., Kern, M., & Thompson, L. (2005). Academy of Management Learning & Education, 4(1), 8-21.
Read More