I hope to inspire my students with the science underlying the courses that I teach, so that they can master the art in practice, and pass the ideas forward. One of my most salient memories from my undergraduate degree program was when a professor said on the first day of class, “I will consider myself a success if you remember 5 minutes of what we discuss in this semester for more than 1 year.” All of my teaching is oriented around maximizing the student’s Return on Experience (ROE), and so my personal challenge is to continue to explore and develop methods to deliver a strong ROE in traditional in-person classes as well as those taught online.


Recent courses I have taught include:


This course will develop your expertise in managing transactional and dispute resolution negotiations that occur in a variety of business settings. This is important because, as a manager, it is not enough to have analytical skills that help you discover optimal solutions to problems — you also need good negotiation skills to get these solutions accepted and implemented by others. Further, given that negotiations dominate so many aspects of your life, this is one of those classes you will take at Zicklin that not only develop your abilities as a manager and a leader but also facilitate your effectiveness in a number of life domains.

Leading and Managing People

The effective management of human capital is essential in creating high performance organizations. We’ve all had experiences or heard stories about incompetent, disrespectful, or clueless bosses; uncooperative, unmotivated co-workers or teammates; or poorly managed change initiatives that fail. Taken together, these instances of poor management can affect the morale and productivity of employees, or worse, the very survival of the organization. This course will help you recognize the key factors that contribute to effectiveness within an organization, and the role you can play in helping your organizations be successful. You will develop skills to analyze and navigate your current and future organizational lives, using your past, current, and potential work experiences as key learning material. The course is based on the premise that, regardless of your position within an organization, leadership opportunities and challenges present themselves every day and that it is to your advantage to recognize and make the most of these opportunities. It is also based on the premise that effective leadership requires an in-depth understanding of how organizations work, and an in-depth understanding of how to work with and through other people.

Advanced Organizational Behavior

This course is designed as an evidence-based course that will introduce students to the major concepts, models, theories, and research in the field of organizational behavior related to collaborating, creating, influencing, resolving conflict, and making decisions in a group/team context. The primary focus is on applying behavioral science knowledge to the practice of management, and so this course will be experiential and analytical. We will engage with multiple simulations to experience and analyze best practices grounded in the latest science.